10 Reasons to Spend More Time in the Bathroom

Spending time in your bathroom may be the last thing on your mind despite it being a room that is used on the daily. It is one of the most important rooms in the house as it is where you usually start and end your day. There are many benefits from being in the bathroom, from eureka moments to keeping yourself clean. We've put together the top 10 reasons why you should spend more time in your bathroom and how they concentrate on self-care.
1. Relaxing
The bathroom is a common room people use to relax in. That might be because people enjoy the unwinding in a hot bath or a shower with the perfect pressure and temperature. If you've had a particularly stressful day, a bubble bath and a glass of wine can do wonders to your mood. Finish off by wrapping yourself in a cosy dressing gown, and you're ready for the next day ahead.
2. Great ideas
While using the time to relax, let the great ideas and creativity come to mind. Maybe it's decor for the house renovation, an up and coming work project, or, something as simple as a birthday present for a loved one. Don't stress about trying to come up with ideas, clear your head and allow them to come to you.
3. Singing in the shower
Whether you listen to music or enjoy a bit of karaoke while you wash, you can sing your heart out in the shower. There's something about being in the shower that makes us put on a performance and even use the shower head or a shampoo bottle as a microphone. It's the one place we can all be dramatic with the shower water pouring down on us and the steam acting as a fog machine. Whatever it is, it's a great way to put you in a positive mood and begin your day.
4. Find solutions
As well as relaxing, the bathroom can be a place to think and find solutions to problems. Spend time either in the shower or the bath with an open mind to the issue and combat it from different angles in your mind. For some, it may be easier to speak out loud to fully understand your thoughts. Something didn't quite work out at the office? Think of ways to adapt and change the issue you came across or a new way you can get the outcome you were after.
5. Time on your own
It's always good to have time away on your own. You could be just going to the toilet, doing your skincare routine or cleaning the bathroom. Enjoy the moment away from whatever task you were doing to take a breather and refresh yourself.
6. Reflect on the past
Past events can be good or bad, but reflecting on them can show what amazing person you have become today. If there's something that happened and you're not happy with how it turned out, think positive because if something similar arises again, you will be able to handle it better with the experience.
7. Read in the bath
We don't always get the time to read due to being busy with work and then house chores etc. Reading in the bath kills two birds with one stone as you can catch up on your latest book and relax in your favourite bubble bath.
8. Plan
You may like to be organised, or you've been putting off things that you need to get on and complete, but planning ahead will make your day so much more efficient. Making mental notes and lists (or create a checklist on your phone if you're forgetful) will give your day some structure and once they're completed, you can treat yourself to something you enjoy like a hobby or food!
9. A break from social media
Try to stay off social media when you're in the bathroom. For example, if you're in the bath because you need to soak your muscles but find them a bit boring, you could play games on your phone and beat your high score instead of checking out the latest Instagram posts, viral tweets and endlessly scrolling. Social media will still be there after your bath!
You can also go for a hands-free option - watching a film or YouTube videos. This is best if you have a sturdy bath board to rest your laptop, tablet or phone on, or, some sort of surface that is near your bath (perhaps the toilet seat). All you have to do is set it up, press play, lie back and relax! A step up from this is having a waterproof TV safely wired into one of your walls for ultimate bathroom goals.
10. Therapeutic cleaning
A good cleaning session in the bathroom can do wonders as a bit of therapy. By completing this task, it can help reduce stress and anxiety for some people and you end up with a sparkling clean room.

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