Where Should You Position the Kitchen Sink

For some people, the position of the kitchen sink is one of the first things they think about when designing a kitchen and for good reason. Even if you have a dishwasher, the kitchen sink is still likely to be one of the places you spend most of your time when in the kitchen.

From washing vegetables to filling pots and pans and even washing stains out of clothing, the uses of a kitchen sink are endless. That’s why we believe the position of the kitchen sink should be one of your top priorities when designing a new kitchen. Keep reading to find out more.

The Layout of the Room and Lighting

The layout and size of your kitchen will not only play a big part in the type of kitchen sink you choose but its positioning too. For example, if you have a small kitchen with a window, this can be one of the best places to position your sink. Not only providing a potentially beautiful outlook when washing up but creating an escape for any steam created too.

Some kitchens, however, might not have a window but patio doors instead, therefore, finding the perfect spot for your kitchen sink could be difficult. However, if you have patio doors that look out into your garden, place your kitchen sink on the opposite wall to your patio doors and fit a mirror above the sink to act like a window. This will also help bounce natural light around the kitchen and provide a more spacious feeling.

On the other hand, if you have a large kitchen featuring an island, this could be the perfect place for your new kitchen sink. Even if your island doesn’t face an external door or window, it provides a more interesting outlook than your kitchen walls and allows you to socialise easily with the rest of your family while using the sink.

Which Sink Works Best for the Room

When choosing your kitchen sink, not only should you consider the size and design you like but also whether it fits with the size and style of the kitchen. For example, a white ceramic Belfast sink would fit perfectly in a country-style kitchen. However, if you have a contemporary-style kitchen with black, white or grey, cabinets and worktops, you might prefer a matt black or stainless-steel sink.

The size of your kitchen will also play a massive part in deciding the type and size of the sink you choose. For example, if your kitchen is on the small side, a standard one-bowl sink may be your only option. However, you can choose from a wide range of sink sizes if you have a large kitchen with plenty of surface space. From large one-bowl sinks to one-and-a-half-bowl and even two-bowl sinks.  

Which Tap Works Best for the Room

Choosing a kitchen tap can be daunting with so many different styles and fancy features available, but you’ll also need to consider if it suits, and works well when paired with your kitchen sink. Generally, people tend to pair the same colour and finish of the sink, but this doesn’t have to be the case. For example, if you choose a stylish matt black sink you could choose a chrome or a brushed brass or gold tap to complement. You don’t have to choose double black.

The type of tap you choose doesn’t always depend on your kitchen sink either. However, if you choose to install a boiling water tap, ensure you check your kitchen sink can withstand the temperature of the water. The majority of kitchen sinks are compatible, however, a select few aren’t. Therefore, it’s always best to check in advance to avoid disappointment and a potential waste of money.

How far Should the Sink be From the Wall and Edge?

Before thinking about the distance your kitchen sink should be from the wall and edge of your countertop you need to know the depth of the countertop itself. While most kitchen countertops are around 25.5 inches some might be larger or smaller. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure your kitchen sink will fit into the depth of your countertop easily, allowing for around 2-5 inches at either end to allow for any potential splash back from the sink.

You also want to leave as much space between the wall and sink as possible to prevent any water splashback from becoming trapped and causing puddles behind the sink. This could lead to damaged sealant where your kitchen tiles or splashback connect to the wall and even cause mould to grow if not wiped down regularly.

The Kitchen Surfaces and Surroundings

It might seem silly as you might think your kitchen sink won’t affect the surrounding areas of the kitchen, but the rest of your kitchen can play a big part in the size and type of sink you may need.

The size of your kitchen and its countertop space can make a big difference when choosing a new kitchen sink. For example, you may have your heart set on a large two-bowl sink with a drainer, but if you have limited countertop space this isn’t likely the most practical option.

Suppose you’re fitting a new kitchen sink into your existing kitchen. In that case, you’ll also want to consider the colour and material of your current countertop, cabinets and wall and floor tiles to get a good aesthetic match. For example, a white ceramic sink is a good option if you currently have a farmhouse or shaker-style kitchen. However, if you have a modern kitchen with sleek shiny cabinets, a matt black or stainless-steel sink might be more to your taste.

Work With Your Wall Tiles and Flooring

If you’re planning to keep your existing wall and floor tiles or these were the first items you chose when redesigning your kitchen, it’s a good idea to consider these when choosing a new kitchen sink. If you’ve chosen vibrant or highly patterned wall and floor tiles, choosing a sink that blends in is essential.

For example, if you’ve chosen bright yellow tiles, you might want to steer clear of a gold or brass kitchen sink, as this might be a bit of a colour overload. However, a subtle white ceramic sink or stainless-steel option might fit better.

Find the Perfect Kitchen Set Up at Plumbworld

At Plumbworld, we stock a wide range of kitchen sinks and taps, wall and floor tiles, and a variety of kitchen accessories. No matter your interior design and décor preferences we’ve got plenty of options to help you create your perfect kitchen setup. Visit our website today to view our full range of kitchen essentials.

If you found this post useful, you may also like - Kitchen Sink Buying Guide - The Kitchen Essentials to Match Your Stylish Design - Kitchen Taps Buying Guide.

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